Sunday, February 27, 2011


JoJO & BZ warming up before the show

the audience was asked to wear citrus colours
bz in key lime & jojo in tangerine 

our seats were smack dab in the middle

ok, we need everyone to look beautiful, so here is a pashmina to borrow if we don't like what you have on.
Yes sir I'm the security man

You don't think Martha Does the Prep Work!

Joey warming up the audience!  Check out the different areas!

Martha answering questions after the show

worker bees getting the Promo set ready for MARTHA to tape
JoJO had the day off from school. So she got us tks for the show....I fun day was had by all! We walk home with Candied Meyer Lemon, an electric juicer by citri star, a gift certificate to ANN TAYLOR and a hand juicer from Macy's.......Wow.....

Monday, February 14, 2011


If pictures say a thousand words, then you can tell from the fotos  that the weekend was a smashing success!
A beautiful table to start the day off just right

the zentangle lady mastering gloves & free style

Mrs. Pom @ Art Work

the busy beekeeper

ladies, listen up time to learn leaf making

Forks, spoons & kisses

Art Girl @ work

Look Ma, I can cut a straight line.

The devine dinner is about to arrive

Polenta over a salad of bay farm fresh greens with fig balsamic vinegar , WoW.

The Devil made me do it!

Happy Birthday Mrs, Pom!

I really did make this art bag all by myself.

Good Nite Ladies

Ya, never know where you will find inspiration.

Does this happen 2 U 2?

graduation picture

Happy Trails 2 U Y'al...........l till we meet again

Monday, February 7, 2011

Love in the Air!

This is one of my favorite months.  It's a short n sweet, with lots of snow and snuggling by the fire. A perfect time to working on lots of crafts and creating new recipes and trying ones I collected.  So I will try to share all with all of you dear readers....
Introducing Miss Pigaletta, my adorable little piggy that I got at the local thrift shop and of course added the bz bee touches. Hope you enjoy