Thursday, August 7, 2014


 This beeing my third year at #Encausticamp…… OMG I'm a lifer!  YES,  I can say that  now with ease.   This medium has kissed me like a vampire and gotten under my skin….. I'm addicted to: the wax, heat gun and board. Why you ask?  It's the scent of warm wonderful beeswax that first intoxicated me, then the versatility: tar me, dye me, scrape me, score me, rub me….. and I keep asking for more… (WE ARE TALKING THE WAX: ENCAUSTICS) took control of me, I can never get enough…. just anyone at camp…. it's just the bees knees!

I Submerged myself in two days of SUE STOVER - SURFACE DESIGN AND ENCAUSTICS…. using  silk fabrics, wax medium, discharge paste, and dye….. we had waaaay to much fun…. here are some of the results...
ice cube tray palette ready to paint on the silk fabric

demo making your own stencils with acetate

bottle caps and sunlight to make a pattern

painting on the silk

painting on the discharge paste

Sue demoing the jaunting tool

TaDa…. my silk is fused on to my board and finished!

close up!

proud student with a  master piece to be framed 

playing with wax makes you smile

student absorbed in her waxy creation

delicious pigmented wax warming for the right brush stroke

Bathing beauties
Batik  stamps made from wood blocks, cotton rope and wood glue
warm and fragrant, just waiting to be used

finished boards with discharge paste silk designs

fusing between layers

Bee U tea ful friends
 Till I'lll Bee Buzzing Bye….